Saturday, November 29, 2014

Friday, November 28,2014

It's Black Friday.  Notice where I am not?  That's right.  I'm home and I plan on staying home!

My last day of radiation was good.  I'm SO glad to be done, but I will miss all the great people there.  When you see them every day, they become your friends.  I'm sad about that, but not sad enough to go back for more treatment!

Yesterday was Thanksgiving.  It was wonderful!  Mean mom that I am, I gave my kids a writing assignment on Monday and Tuesday.  (They really groaned, but I bribed them with chocolate.  :-)  )  I asked them to write what they have learned this year.  I wanted them to recognize the value of trials, even though they are hard.  Here are their responses:

My 6-year old has a hard time expressing himself verbally, so he needed some help.  He wrote:  "Prayer."  I asked him more about that, and together we came up with, "Heavenly Father answers prayers."  "Please bless all those who are sick so they can get all the way feeling better."  "We can ask Heavenly Father to help sick people."
He wrote "Family."  I asked more about that, and together we came up with "They love each other, family is important."
He wrote "Heavenly Father's Plan."  We came up with "Jesus died for us, so we can be resurrected like He was.  They (someone who dies) can be resurrected, so we could see and be with them again." He wrote, "Wrighting."  (His writing has come a long way this year---he's in 1st grade now.  Although he spelled 'writing' wrong, isn't it interesting how he spelled it?  I'm surprised that he used "ght.")  "Reading."  (Ditto for reading.)  "Helping."  (He really has had to help more at home.)  "Seting the teabl"  (Setting the table---like I said, he has had to help more around the house.)  "Doing my job."  (Likewise.)  When I talked to him about it, he elaborated, "[I have had to] help and do my job.  [I have learned] to be a good worker."
He also wrote that he has learned "Playing", "Painting."
He also told me "That you can get girl cancer or boy cancer.  Sometimes it is scary and sometimes it is not.  Your eyebrows and hair fall out."

My 8-year old wrote (without help):
"I learned how to work harder.  I learned to put others needs before yours.  I leaned that through priesthood power anything is possible if it is Heavenly Father's will.  I learned how to help make the house like a temple.  I learned how to be greatful (grateful) for what you have and not be jealous.  I learned that what you do is how others see you.  I learned that a person is a person no matter how small.  I learned that you should not judge someone by their looks.  I learned that there are more valuable things than money."

My 11-year old wrote:
"I learned how to tell Heavenly Father about my day whenever I pray and I also learned that having cancer (chemotherapy, whatever) in the family is hard.  I learned that Heavenly Father answers our prayers and I also learned that when Mom has real cancer, it's kinda hard.  I also learned how to floss and brush every night before bed and I have made a habit to write cursive, put my name on every paper, add my class number, and the date!  I also learned that Heavenly Father really is there, and that the church is true.  I have found out that squirrels sweat through their feet, and that 90% of people can't lick their elbows, and that hippo sweat is red, and that every Christmas Eve, a dude dressed as Santa Claus water skis on a river in Maryland, and that sadly, Kaylee [her friend] moved . . . I'm ok, though.  I think . . . . "

My 14-year old wrote:
"Throughout this year of 2014, I have learned to be more grateful for everything we have.  For freedoms, families, homes, friends, and so much more!  I have learned that each day is a blessing.  Each day has more and more surprises and blessings to be thankful for.  I have learned that God will bless us with peace and comfort in times of need.  He will help us to be faithful.  He will listen when we tell Him about hard things or good times in our lives.
"I have also learned that if something is hard, stick with it.  The reward (although it may not seem like much) is so wonderful if you have worked hard for it.  Likewise, no matter what anybody says about your performance, as long as you did all you could, it is still okay.  Don't give up on something even if someone is rude about how you do.  If you give up, you will lose the reward of doing your best.  I have learned to try and that is all that counts is how hard you try . . . .
"I have found that I love to write and use my imagination to put my thoughts on paper. I have learned that life is a special gift to enjoy each day.
"I have learned that the world will not end if you have to give a presentation.  Although you don't want to do it, the world will not end when you give it.
"I have learned to appreciate family more, and that trials can make you grow stronger.
"I have learned skills that will help me when I am a mother.  Skills such as;  Playing with children, cooking for children, being kind and PATIENCE!  Patience is so important when dealing with children because they don't always cooperate.
"I have learned how much of a blessing someone can be in your life.  Look past the outward appearance, and you may find a diamond in the rough.  Someone may not seem like much, but if you get to know them, they could be one of the nicest people you know.  Everyone else might not see it, no matter how hard you try to get them to see.  Always stand up for what is right.  You may get bullied or teased, but God is on your side if you do what is right."

My 16-year old wrote:
"I have learned many things this year through school and Mom's cancer.  I have learned ecology in Science.  But the thing that has taught me the most this past year is the trial of my mom's cancer.  It has been hard to deal with sometimes.  But because of it, I have learned temperance, trust, and faith in God, and have felt a deep sense of understanding, and an appreciation for the Atonement.  I have learned that some of the promised blessings and lessons come through hard things, and that they sometimes take a long time to come.  I have learned to trust and have faith in God.  He knows what He is doing, and knows what I need and want better than I do.  He has a perfect plan where we are tried.  He does not leave us alone, thanks to Christ's Atonement.  H is here for us, and loves us more than we can understand.  I have felt deep peace and understanding."

I asked my husband to write one, but so far nothing has happened . . . I think he correctly guessed that I would post it.  If it does, I'll add it onto the end of this post!

With many of my kid's responses, I understand the circumstances (other than cancer) that have happened to help them to learn these things.  It makes it all worth it (did I just say that?????) and makes me all the more determined to stay above ground for a LONG time so that I can be around to continue teaching them and watching their growth.  I'm proud of them for being tough through the hard times, and I hope I can continue trying to help them with the things they struggle with.

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