Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, Sept. 5th
I thought I would get back later.  I really intended to, but I just DID NOT have time!  I was so busy finishing getting kids ready for school . . . gathering school supplies (I already bought all I could, except for my H.S. kids) and getting them in backpacks so they were all ready to take to school, taking kids to numerous Eye Dr., Orthodontist, and Dental appointments before school started.  We had a Cross Country race (mud run), a piano recital, and an extended family church event.  I've been HOPPING!   I've fueled up my car more times this last week or so than any other time in my life!  School started this week--it seems so lonely, and so quiet.  I don't miss the fighting, and the kids seem happy to have a change, but I sure miss having them around.  I really love my kids!

Plus, my husband and I (well, mostly my husband) felt we needed to do something to thank the members of our community for their support.  It really would have been best to do it after radiation, but by then, outside would have been out of the question!  So, on Labor Day we had an almost-done-with-chemo-thank-you for your support party in our back yard.  We kept it simple (I didn't have enough energy to do elaborate.)  Two good friends brought goodies.  (One huge, AWESOME pink cake!)  I made homemade root beer (almost turned out--it was a first try!), lemonade and ice water, and made up a little thank you paper for everyone to take.  It says "We 'mint' (with a York Peppermint Patty attached) to say Thank You!  We appreciate the thoughts, prayers, food, etc. more than we can ever say!  Thanks for being our friends!"  There was another one (treat must have been more popular) that had a Hershey's Nugget attached--they are all gone, but it was similar in content.
The sayings were simple, and maybe quite inadequate, but I hope with all my heart that it communicated the thoughts of my heart.  I hope so much that everyone knows how much I appreciate all their kindnesses.

I dragged my feet the whole way about this party, shamefully.  It seemed like too much work when I'm so tired, and I was stressed about being the "host."  But in hindsight, I can see that my husband was being inspired to do it.  I'm glad he weeded the backyard, mowed, helped with chairs and tables,  and "strongly encouraged" us to do it.

My next door neighbor's father found out he had skin cancer this summer.  There was a spot on his lung that looked suspicious.  I found out that night that it isn't!!!  They think they got it all when they cut out that spot on the skin.  HOORAY!

In not so good news, there's a lady that I met at chemo.  I ran into her randomly last week at Wal-Mart when I was out and about.  She told me what is going on, and I'm so sorry to report that she had been having medical procedures done.  The cancer is having a real party in her.  She didn't look well.  I had chemo yesterday and saw her, across the room.  I have never seen her like that.  She is NOT doing well, and was leaving to go have some more medical procedures done.  I couldn't really talk to her across the room very well, and I was hooked up to a pump, so couldn't get up, but my mom was with me, and I asked her to please go give her a hug from me.  I'm mourning for her--she's not much older than me and still has a child at home. When I first met her and she told me her story, she said she just has to have her chemo give her 20 more years . . . I want her to get that 20 years!!!  I'm going to be keeping her in my prayers.  I know God has a plan for her, too, and I want her to find peace with whatever plan that is.  But I'm sure sad that she isn't doing well . . . . .

Well, I don't have much more to report.  It's in the wee hours of the morning, and thanks to chemo, I am having a little insomnia.  I hope that this post makes some sort of sense---I THINK I'm having a moment of clarity in the fog, but I don't really know!  Maybe I'm hallucinating!  I'm going to leave it as is, though, and head back to bed!

I'm grateful to have just had my last chemo (hopefully EVER), and I'm grateful to have almost completed this part of the cancer journey.  I'm definitely not done, but I am so very thankful for all the learning that has taken place.  I know I am going through this experience for my own learning and growth, and for that of my family.  And maybe even other people I don't know about.  It isn't pleasant, but I think when it's all over, if I were given the chance to go back and skip over it, I would choose not to.  I know God has a plan for me, and I am trying my best to trust in Him.

Good Night Everyone (what's left of it!)

1 comment:

  1. Prayers for you. And prayers for your friend. Love you, Melanie!
