Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wed. May 21, 2104
My sister sent me something she saw on Facebook.  It said "My New Word:  Blesson.  It's when you are able to view painful lessons as blessings.  In other words . . . A Blesson is what happens when you see the blessing in the lesson that your challenge taught you.---Karen Salmansohn"  I liked that.

I learned something about myself the other day . . . I realized that I had always thought I had to have good health to be happy.  It wasn't a conscious thought . . . just an assumption I subconsciously made.  Therefore, any time I got any medical news I didn't like, even if it was minor, I was upset.  I suppose that's human nature.  But that day, somehow, I realized that the goal here is to stay alive, and be happy while doing it.  Even if we have struggles/health complications along the way.  That may not seem very profound, but right now, with what I am doing, it was kind of an "Aha!" moment.  There are a lot of happy people out there that have medical issues.  They just keep on keepin' on, and do the best they can with the challenges they have been given.  I realized that this is yet another area where my perfectionistic ideas get in my way.  So, I'm hoping to remember from now on to enjoy the journey a little more.

Right after I was diagnosed, I talked to my aunt and uncle.  They both have cancer.  That was one of the best decisions I made!  They talked about the unexpected blessings that have come their way by a devastating diagnosis.  They said "Every day is a gift."  I've thought a lot about that.  I have ALWAYS tried to think of every day as being a gift, to not take anything for granted, but somehow, this has made me more aware.  I am even enjoying exercise!  Anyone who knows me should know that is amazing.  I have started appreciating that I am currently feeling good enough to get a little exercise, especially if I can do it outside now that the weather is finally warm and sunny.  I am just enjoying that I am healthy enough that I can take a walk in the sunshine.  I even surprise myself!!  :-)

I had a CT scan and echo on Monday, and just got results this morning.  Both look great!  This means the cancer hasn't spread any further, and my heart is healthy!  I am smiling today!!!  :-)  Hope you are too!

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