Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tues. Sept. 15th

I haven't written anything for a long time--mostly because it's been back to business as usual, and that feels great, but BUSY!  I don't think I have ever been this busy before--just trying to keep all our family's ducks in a row, doing bookkeeping, helping with my in-laws, etc.  I have 5 kids in 4 different schools this year.  It's insane, made more so by the fact that I have a lot more trouble remembering things and accomplishing things than I used to.  These days, if it's not bugging me, I forget about it, which means I get a lot of "oops, I forgot to do that" type of surprises.  Kinda scary!  Nevertheless, I would rather be busy than bored, so we will all just keep plugging along and hope for the best.

I realized, about a week and a half ago, that it had been 1 year since my last chemo!  I'm so glad I'm looking back at it now, and that it's done.  Hope I don't have to do that again!

I have a new pet peeve . . . when people complain about getting old.  Sure, I get it that all the new aches and pains aren't pleasant.  Nor is the expanding waistline, or the jiggly "Relief Society" arms, or the wrinkles and gray hair.  Worse yet is when health deteriorates.  I understand all that, but I hate it when people, who seem to be in good health overall, gripe about it so much.  They are ALIVE!  Do they know how many others never got the opportunity to live long enough to "get old?"  (For the record, I give those whose health has deteriorated significantly--whether or not it is "obvious" to the rest of us---a "get out of jail free" card.  They have valid reason for complaint.)  I guess that's just one of those things where you don't realize how much you have to be grateful for until you have seriously contemplated the possibility of losing it.  As for me, I have my sights set on 60.  Don't get me wrong . . . although at one time I would have considered 60 to be "over the hill", I sure don't now.  But by then, HOPEFULLY, my kids will be raised and at a stable point in their lives.  HOPEFULLY I will live beyond 60, and enjoy good health so that I can do some of the things on my ever-expanding bucket list.  But, if not, the most important thing is that my kids get what they need . . .  So, I'm still exercising (somewhat reluctantly) and hoping and praying for the best.  :-)

Well, this is a boring post, but I"m too tired to think of anything else to say.  So, goodnight!